☆Jan 1, 2024SONGS☆Dec 22, 2023D_D Rebrading☆May 2, 2023The Internet Legal System☱Feb 2, 2023SSI (What is identity)☱Jan 1, 2023Joining Nation3 DAO☆Oct 22, 2022Ovidio Soundscape⛋Sep 18, 2022Dreams☆Sep 1, 2022D_D Agency☆Aug 17, 2022Praia Stage Design☱Jul 7, 2022SSI (Self Sovereign Identity) and its UX☆Apr 2, 2022SuperSpace☆Mar 2, 2022Complexion, NFT Bot game☆Feb 2, 2022Gataca, Digital Identity Platform☆Jan 1, 2022Metamarco☆Dec 1, 2021Gordo Brand☆Dec 1, 2021Gordo Labs Website⛋Oct 27, 2021Meta Frames☱Oct 15, 2021Building a collaborative NFT. Part 2☆Sep 17, 2021City & Forest☆Sep 17, 2021Stillness☱Aug 30, 2021Building collaborative art NFT. Part 1☱Aug 7, 2021Building a static SEO friendly serverless content managed website / portfolio.☱Aug 7, 2021The User Experience of decentralization☆Feb 1, 2021Ritual☆Jul 31, 2020Javier Cruz Website☆Jan 14, 2020Bulma Energy⛋Oct 31, 2019Splash☆Jul 17, 2019Ballantines stage design build up☆Jul 1, 2019On-Collaboration☆Jun 4, 2019Nuit Sonores Cantine Lights☆Jun 4, 2019London's Copperfield Gallery interactive illumination☆May 1, 2019Moksha Ghates☆Jan 10, 2019Pickzen⛋Jul 1, 2018Messh☆May 31, 2018Around Loungues☱Oct 13, 2017The Crypto Anarchist Manifiesto (Tim May)☆Sep 21, 2017Grid Housing - Distributed living☆Sep 13, 2017META - Digital ventures as a service☆Apr 21, 2017Grid Housing☱Mar 29, 2017There is not a designer profession☆Jun 1, 2013Replitfrontend17web315product14art12entrepreneurship12interface-design12user-experience10react8solidity7lighting6music6business-development5nfts5architecture4culture4interactivity4processing4angular3vue3arduino2gatsby2ionic2ai1cryptography1react-native1☆ Projects☱ Blog⛋ VisualsReactSuperSpaceWeb3 Consultant. Solidity developer. Built solidity template for custom "on-deploy" dynamic ERC-721 implementation. Built Frontend engine to allow end-users sovereing contract deployments. SuperSpace…April 2nd, 2022☆Complexion, NFT Bot gameFinalists for a hackathon with a NFT modelled experience playing with the possibilities of the NFT as a vehicle as a mix of a DEFI project and gaming. Lead project design and development. Research of…March 2nd, 2022☆Gataca, Digital Identity PlatformProduct Design Lead Frontend Lead (Mobile & Web) Build the rails for the long term Design System of the company. Traduce the complexity of SSI (Self Sovereing Identity) technology to a usable product…February 2nd, 2022☆MetamarcoIn my research on the intriguing outcomes of utilizing ERC-721 technology in art, I explored the concept of fully collaborative art. This concept is based on the idea that we can now emulate the…January 1st, 2022☆Gordo Labs WebsiteBuilding Gordo's website. Building a personal static website with content edition capabilities, SEO-friendly and serverless with zero maintenance cost. The extended process I took to build the…December 1st, 2021☆Building a collaborative NFT. Part 2Building my first decentralized app idea. Part Two. Let's abstract the idea down. The concept is simple and complex to execute at the same time. One side is basic. One art piece owned by many people…October 15th, 2021☱Building collaborative art NFT. Part 1Building a collaborative NFT. Part One. Get information and frame-the-work. I got an interesting artistic idea that could work very well in a decentralized manner, in fact, the idea itself only exists…August 30th, 2021☱Building a static SEO friendly serverless content managed website / portfolio.Building Gordo Labs. Part 1. Jamstack How I started. How I selected the technology stack. Hi there! This is somehow the process I took in order to build this website. The final decision around having…August 7th, 2021☱
frontend17web315product14art12entrepreneurship12interface-design12user-experience10react8solidity7lighting6music6business-development5nfts5architecture4culture4interactivity4processing4angular3vue3arduino2gatsby2ionic2ai1cryptography1react-native1☆ Projects☱ Blog⛋ VisualsReactSuperSpaceWeb3 Consultant. Solidity developer. Built solidity template for custom "on-deploy" dynamic ERC-721 implementation. Built Frontend engine to allow end-users sovereing contract deployments. SuperSpace…April 2nd, 2022☆Complexion, NFT Bot gameFinalists for a hackathon with a NFT modelled experience playing with the possibilities of the NFT as a vehicle as a mix of a DEFI project and gaming. Lead project design and development. Research of…March 2nd, 2022☆Gataca, Digital Identity PlatformProduct Design Lead Frontend Lead (Mobile & Web) Build the rails for the long term Design System of the company. Traduce the complexity of SSI (Self Sovereing Identity) technology to a usable product…February 2nd, 2022☆MetamarcoIn my research on the intriguing outcomes of utilizing ERC-721 technology in art, I explored the concept of fully collaborative art. This concept is based on the idea that we can now emulate the…January 1st, 2022☆Gordo Labs WebsiteBuilding Gordo's website. Building a personal static website with content edition capabilities, SEO-friendly and serverless with zero maintenance cost. The extended process I took to build the…December 1st, 2021☆Building a collaborative NFT. Part 2Building my first decentralized app idea. Part Two. Let's abstract the idea down. The concept is simple and complex to execute at the same time. One side is basic. One art piece owned by many people…October 15th, 2021☱Building collaborative art NFT. Part 1Building a collaborative NFT. Part One. Get information and frame-the-work. I got an interesting artistic idea that could work very well in a decentralized manner, in fact, the idea itself only exists…August 30th, 2021☱Building a static SEO friendly serverless content managed website / portfolio.Building Gordo Labs. Part 1. Jamstack How I started. How I selected the technology stack. Hi there! This is somehow the process I took in order to build this website. The final decision around having…August 7th, 2021☱