☆Jan 1, 2024SONGS☆Dec 22, 2023D_D Rebrading☆May 2, 2023The Internet Legal System☱Feb 2, 2023SSI (What is identity)☱Jan 1, 2023Joining Nation3 DAO☆Oct 22, 2022Ovidio Soundscape⛋Sep 18, 2022Dreams☆Sep 1, 2022D_D Agency☆Aug 17, 2022Praia Stage Design☱Jul 7, 2022SSI (Self Sovereign Identity) and its UX☆Apr 2, 2022SuperSpace☆Mar 2, 2022Complexion, NFT Bot game☆Feb 2, 2022Gataca, Digital Identity Platform☆Jan 1, 2022Metamarco☆Dec 1, 2021Gordo Brand☆Dec 1, 2021Gordo Labs Website⛋Oct 27, 2021Meta Frames☱Oct 15, 2021Building a collaborative NFT. Part 2☆Sep 17, 2021City & Forest☆Sep 17, 2021Stillness☱Aug 30, 2021Building collaborative art NFT. Part 1☱Aug 7, 2021Building a static SEO friendly serverless content managed website / portfolio.☱Aug 7, 2021The User Experience of decentralization☆Feb 1, 2021Ritual☆Jul 31, 2020Javier Cruz Website☆Jan 14, 2020Bulma Energy⛋Oct 31, 2019Splash☆Jul 17, 2019Ballantines stage design build up☆Jul 1, 2019On-Collaboration☆Jun 4, 2019Nuit Sonores Cantine Lights☆Jun 4, 2019London's Copperfield Gallery interactive illumination☆May 1, 2019Moksha Ghates☆Jan 10, 2019Pickzen⛋Jul 1, 2018Messh☆May 31, 2018Around Loungues☱Oct 13, 2017The Crypto Anarchist Manifiesto (Tim May)☆Sep 21, 2017Grid Housing - Distributed living☆Sep 13, 2017META - Digital ventures as a service☆Apr 21, 2017Grid Housing☱Mar 29, 2017There is not a designer profession☆Jun 1, 2013Replitfrontend17web315product14art12entrepreneurship12interface-design12user-experience10react8solidity7lighting6music6business-development5nfts5architecture4culture4interactivity4processing4angular3vue3arduino2gatsby2ionic2ai1cryptography1react-native1☆ Projects☱ Blog⛋ VisualsLightingPraia Stage DesignCo-lead Stage Architect & Designer Build up team co-leader of 30+ people. Creative and production co-director, 2020 - 2022 Praia Stage Design 📍 Waking Life Festival, Portugal 2020 - 2022 Creative…August 17th, 2022☆RitualRitual project To be writtenFebruary 1st, 2021☆Ballantines stage design build upCustom built light installation build up for Ballantines brand festival.July 17th, 2019☆Nuit Sonores Cantine LightsNuit Sonores Cantine lights Nuit Sonores Cantine lights was a small project driven by zuloark collective in which they got a project for an "interactive" lamp over the cantine at Nuit Sonores Festival…June 4th, 2019☆London's Copperfield Gallery interactive illuminationA project for Marco Godoy, an artist who needed to create and experience inside an arts gallery in which the illumination of the room was "interactive" with the nature of the pieces which themselves…June 4th, 2019☆Moksha GhatesWaking Life Festival art installation. An interactive installation designed and built for the Waking Life Festival. Portugal, Crato. To be written. Light design. DMX programming Project…May 1st, 2019☆
frontend17web315product14art12entrepreneurship12interface-design12user-experience10react8solidity7lighting6music6business-development5nfts5architecture4culture4interactivity4processing4angular3vue3arduino2gatsby2ionic2ai1cryptography1react-native1☆ Projects☱ Blog⛋ VisualsLightingPraia Stage DesignCo-lead Stage Architect & Designer Build up team co-leader of 30+ people. Creative and production co-director, 2020 - 2022 Praia Stage Design 📍 Waking Life Festival, Portugal 2020 - 2022 Creative…August 17th, 2022☆RitualRitual project To be writtenFebruary 1st, 2021☆Ballantines stage design build upCustom built light installation build up for Ballantines brand festival.July 17th, 2019☆Nuit Sonores Cantine LightsNuit Sonores Cantine lights Nuit Sonores Cantine lights was a small project driven by zuloark collective in which they got a project for an "interactive" lamp over the cantine at Nuit Sonores Festival…June 4th, 2019☆London's Copperfield Gallery interactive illuminationA project for Marco Godoy, an artist who needed to create and experience inside an arts gallery in which the illumination of the room was "interactive" with the nature of the pieces which themselves…June 4th, 2019☆Moksha GhatesWaking Life Festival art installation. An interactive installation designed and built for the Waking Life Festival. Portugal, Crato. To be written. Light design. DMX programming Project…May 1st, 2019☆