☆Jan 1, 2024SONGS☆Dec 22, 2023D_D Rebrading☆May 2, 2023The Internet Legal System☱Feb 2, 2023SSI (What is identity)☱Jan 1, 2023Joining Nation3 DAO☆Oct 22, 2022Ovidio Soundscape⛋Sep 18, 2022Dreams☆Sep 1, 2022D_D Agency☆Aug 17, 2022Praia Stage Design☱Jul 7, 2022SSI (Self Sovereign Identity) and its UX☆Apr 2, 2022SuperSpace☆Mar 2, 2022Complexion, NFT Bot game☆Feb 2, 2022Gataca, Digital Identity Platform☆Jan 1, 2022Metamarco☆Dec 1, 2021Gordo Brand☆Dec 1, 2021Gordo Labs Website⛋Oct 27, 2021Meta Frames☱Oct 15, 2021Building a collaborative NFT. Part 2☆Sep 17, 2021City & Forest☆Sep 17, 2021Stillness☱Aug 30, 2021Building collaborative art NFT. Part 1☱Aug 7, 2021Building a static SEO friendly serverless content managed website / portfolio.☱Aug 7, 2021The User Experience of decentralization☆Feb 1, 2021Ritual☆Jul 31, 2020Javier Cruz Website☆Jan 14, 2020Bulma Energy⛋Oct 31, 2019Splash☆Jul 17, 2019Ballantines stage design build up☆Jul 1, 2019On-Collaboration☆Jun 4, 2019Nuit Sonores Cantine Lights☆Jun 4, 2019London's Copperfield Gallery interactive illumination☆May 1, 2019Moksha Ghates☆Jan 10, 2019Pickzen⛋Jul 1, 2018Messh☆May 31, 2018Around Loungues☱Oct 13, 2017The Crypto Anarchist Manifiesto (Tim May)☆Sep 21, 2017Grid Housing - Distributed living☆Sep 13, 2017META - Digital ventures as a service☆Apr 21, 2017Grid Housing☱Mar 29, 2017There is not a designer profession☆Jun 1, 2013Replitfrontend17web315product14art12entrepreneurship12interface-design12user-experience10react8solidity7lighting6music6business-development5nfts5architecture4culture4interactivity4processing4angular3vue3arduino2gatsby2ionic2ai1cryptography1react-native1☆ Projects☱ Blog⛋ VisualsArchitecturePraia Stage DesignCo-lead Stage Architect & Designer Build up team co-leader of 30+ people. Creative and production co-director, 2020 - 2022 Praia Stage Design 📍 Waking Life Festival, Portugal 2020 - 2022 Creative…August 17th, 2022☆Moksha GhatesWaking Life Festival art installation. An interactive installation designed and built for the Waking Life Festival. Portugal, Crato. To be written. Light design. DMX programming Project…May 1st, 2019☆Grid Housing - Distributed livingGrid Housing - Distributed living Based on my masters degree works I start a concept that uses blockchain technology to be the trust layer of a system of shared houses all around the world in which…September 21st, 2017☆Grid HousingArchitecture Thesis - Grid Housing Masters degree works A research on the way we live today in the cities and utopic vision based on a few technological and social asumptions that derivates and other…April 21st, 2017☆
frontend17web315product14art12entrepreneurship12interface-design12user-experience10react8solidity7lighting6music6business-development5nfts5architecture4culture4interactivity4processing4angular3vue3arduino2gatsby2ionic2ai1cryptography1react-native1☆ Projects☱ Blog⛋ VisualsArchitecturePraia Stage DesignCo-lead Stage Architect & Designer Build up team co-leader of 30+ people. Creative and production co-director, 2020 - 2022 Praia Stage Design 📍 Waking Life Festival, Portugal 2020 - 2022 Creative…August 17th, 2022☆Moksha GhatesWaking Life Festival art installation. An interactive installation designed and built for the Waking Life Festival. Portugal, Crato. To be written. Light design. DMX programming Project…May 1st, 2019☆Grid Housing - Distributed livingGrid Housing - Distributed living Based on my masters degree works I start a concept that uses blockchain technology to be the trust layer of a system of shared houses all around the world in which…September 21st, 2017☆Grid HousingArchitecture Thesis - Grid Housing Masters degree works A research on the way we live today in the cities and utopic vision based on a few technological and social asumptions that derivates and other…April 21st, 2017☆